sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Live in the now and make brief visits to the past and the future when it is appropriate. It’s important to visualize and expect a bright future. In fact it is critical. But if you dwell on the future too much, you will be unhappy and unfulfilled because you will never actually get there. The future by definition does not exist. It is the future. It’s a moving target, always out of your reach. It really doesn’t exist.
We had said good-bye so many times before, but somehow our paths always managed to cross and we ended up in each other’s arms. But now when we said this goodbye I have this feeling that I will never see you again. And that really hurts because I know that we are meant to lead our own separate lives. And I honestly don’t wanna cross your path in the future cause I don’t want all these feelings to come back and have to try to get over all over again. But yeah, I’ll be fine without you, I’ll make it somehow. and soon I’ll get over you.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Pienso que te he amado siempre… pero no hablemos de lo pasado. Solamente te digo que te amo hoy y que te amaré mañana. Porque el pasado se ha ido. Los hoy y los mañanas serán todos los días que podrán ser. Y en cada uno de estos días te diré, te amo.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

No te escribo por que aún te ame, tampoco te escribo porque te extrañe, mucho menos te escribo para que sepas que te pienso cada noche al mirar la luna tan lejana allá en el cielo. No te escribo para que vuelvas, ni para que veas que no sales de mi pensamiento. Yo simplemente te escribo, para tener tu recuerdo vivo, por que eso es tu amor en mí, un simple recuerdo.

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

You meet someone. You two get close. It's all great for while, then someone stops trying. You talk less, there's the awkward conversations, the drifting, then no communication whatsoever. The memories start to fade, then that person you know, becomes the person you knew. That's how it usually goes right? It's the sad, unfortunate truth.
Have you ever had to get through a day, smiling at people, talking, as if everything were normal and okay, while all the time you felt like you were carrying a leaden weight of unhappiness inside you?

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

Curioso el poder de la música, ¿no crees? Capaz de transportarte de una época a otra, de un sentimiento a otro, así como así, por arte de magia, con tanta facilidad. No hemos inventado una máquina del tiempo pero inventamos la música, no creo que necesitemos algo más.